Winifred Harms
Catherine Rademan
For once I was at a loss for words, and not the
kind of loss for words you have when someone
leaves their child in the que with a basket while
they go and shop. (By the way, that's wrong.
Stop it. LOL) The reason for this sudden inability
to speak was the overwhelming response to our
first issue of Virere. We have had people
Dawie Hanekom
contacting us from the UK, Australia, and even
the Lusaka garden club, where we had once
before presented an introduction to garden
design course to the prime minister's wife.
Louis v Rensburg
Thousands of you responded with good wishes,
and that is what make us glad. This is after all for
you the reader. I cannot thank the team
(everyone on the right) enough for all the hard
work and effort, but most of all to you, the
readers. We hope that you will enjoy our spring
edition. We added a bit of RETRO-vibe and cheer
as it is all the rage at the moment. We hope that
you will continue to read, enjoy and reply, and
Kyle Blake &
pass it on to your friends and family.
Megan Wilson
Kind regards
Lee Burger
Walter Language