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Fragrant garden plants
A Garden that appeals to all our senses is an absolute delight. We are always bombarding our eyes
with beauty, but in this issue of Virére we want to focus on the two senses that co hand in hand.
Smell and touch. Touch includes feeling the lawn and different textures of our garden floor, but
feeling plants releases their beautiful aroma. There are so many scented plants though when we
seek to plant them, we battle to find specimens in nurseries. So alongside tips and hints, we included
a list of year round fragrant plants.
All year round
Aloysia triphylla (Lemon verbena) (H)
Helichrysum angustifolium (Curry bush) (S)
Lavendula spp. (Lavender) (S)
Menthia pulegium (Pennyroyal) (GC)
Pelargonium spp. (P)
Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosmary) (H)
A = Annual; B = Bulb; CL = Climber
S = Shrub; T = Tree; H = Herb
GC = Groundcover; P = Perennial
19 Articleby:LeeBurger