Step 1
Start off by measuring the positions of the knobs
that wil serve as feet on one side of the board
(about 3cm from the corner) and the centers for the
stainless-steel bowls that wil hold the cooking gel.
Step 2
Measure the stainless-steel containers to determine
the size of the core drill needed. The drill must be
approximately 4-5mm smaller to account for the
drilling process. Fill two sturdy tins or containers
with plastic bags to balance the board on while
drilling and to catch debris.
Step 3
Drill the holes for the stainless steel containers after
attaching the core dril bit. The center dril should be
positioned on your center mark. It is helpful if
another person holds the board in place to prevent
the board rotating around the dril .
Step 4
Check the hole for size and fit before dril ing al the
holes. Discard the debris.
Step 5
Give each board a light sanding to remove rough