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Garden Makeover Design
The ISGD design office is always ready to answer
your questions. This month we feature a garden
makeover that makes an unusable space the
dream outdoor living room.
The Challenge
The ISGD team (A division of Irene School of Garden
Design) design) came up with some nifty design solutions
to make this space much more usable. Always identify the
problems. In this garden as seen on the right, stairs and
The Challenge
difficult levels took up the majority of the usable space.
Stairs are usually just used to go from one level to the other
for one or two people. The stairs here is far too wide, and
is actually wasting the space as seen in front of the sliding
door. The second big issue was that his garden was the
many entrances and exits and all coming into the space at
a different height. The third problem was that the garden
was what was left over of after the house was built.
The Solution
Careful planning. The ISGD designers came up with a deck
leading out from the house that will unify all the spaces,
exits, and entrances and create a nook where a dining
table could comfortably sit. The stairs were also
appropriated by proposing to knock down a portion, and
building a solid wall with another deck on top providing
some much needed storage underneath and making a
cosy little stoep for the space right in front of the sliding
The Solution