S Swakopmund
wakopmund is worth a visit at least once in a lifetime.
So often we South African wander around looking for
something new to do during the holidays, and the
palm line beaches, hints German Architecture and
Namib Desert may be just the holiday you need. It
takes a day or two to get into the restful pace of
Namibia, but once the hustle and bustle is out of
one's system, the beautiful sunsets, and allure of the
desert starts to sink in.
One of the attractions of the town in the crystal
museum housing the largest crystal in the world. The
museum is centrally located, and much of town can
be seen on foot. In the quint little streets there are also
many shops selling a variety of goods, unique to
Namibia and Swakopmund. Wait a while before you
buy goods off the street as the more they see you
during your stay, the less the price will become as
Swakopmund is not the most affordable town buy
curios in. Swakupmund has some of the best
embroidery and textile items, so be sure to plan on
spending a bit in the central street of the town
Visit some of the many beautiful Churches in the area
and soak up the rich history of the area by spending
a morning just doing the things tourists wouldn't and
try some of wild meats, deliciously prepared in the
many boutique coffee shops and restaurants.