Avatar Land's boat ride will
benefit from the film's
bioluminescent plants and
strange fauna
I could imagine that a Leopard tree would not look out of place as part of your avatar inspired planting
pallet. In pictures of Avatar -Land, I spotted elephant ears, tree ferns, Cycads and huge aloes used as the
backbone for the landscape. For vibrant detail in under planting, I would think an exotic pallet could
include Brumeliads, Paphiopedilum barbatum, Asplenium antiquum, Maranta kerchoveana, Ligularia
tussilaginea and Cordilyne "Red Sister". All of these plants will excel under a tree canopy similar to that
of Pandora. Dappled sunlight, ample moisture and warm temperatures will be the ideal micro climate for
your Avatar garden. The rich foliage colours of these tropical plants would render the perfect splash of
exuberance needed to complete the true Pandorian picture.
A strong environmental message was the driving force behind Avatar and now also Avatar Land.
Nestled in the heart of Animal Kingdom, the fauna of this new land reminds us of the splendour of our
own beautiful world. Through the epic Sci-Fi effects we are reminded to be stewards of our own planet.
It is not enough to care about our world- we have to care for our world! And in the words of James
Cameron: "Nature used to take care of us, now we have to take care of nature..."
27 Leucospermum spp.