July August & September orkingintheGa
Trimming and branch pruning, ready for spring. Fruit
trees should be pruned to allow for fruit to get to
harvest stage without placing strain on the branches
due to the extra weight.
Plan which vegetable and herbs you would like to have
growing in your garden, the variety is huge, some are
broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, chillies and spinach. Herb
seeds to sow - borage, chives, catnip, basil, coriander,
cumin, fennel, marjoram, parsley and organum.
Water winter seedlings and evergreen lawns. Try not to
water in the later afternoon as it starts to get colder, as
the temperature drops, watering will cool the soil down
faster. Water Spring flowering bulbs
If it is a dormant species ­ leave it alone. That said ­ try
not to create any bare patches, this can happen if you
mow too much.
Spring flowering bulbs can be planted and summer
bulbs can be lifted and stored for the next season.
Garden Maintenance:
This is a general autumn winter approach ­ rake up
leaves and place pruned branches onto a compost
heap, if you have one. Cover frost tender and sensitive
Absolutely get your wellies on and get in there and
keep them under control, before you know it, you could
have marvellous display of species that are especially
difficult to eliminate.